Aug 6, 2022 | Dog Training, Private Dog Training, Puppy Training
Tips for Avoiding Negative Encounters with Dogs Canine Path is offering a free workshop for Avoiding Negative Encounters with Dogs. Time and location to be determined, for humans only. As a professional dog trainer, Suzanne Mackay has observed many posts about...
Aug 1, 2022 | Private Dog Training, Puppy Socialization, Puppy Training
Private Puppy Training Services in Los Angeles: We provide 1on 1 puppy training to help your new pup get use to being around your home We provide top of the line private puppy training services to help your new pup get use to being in a new environment. Every dog and...
Jul 20, 2022 | Private Dog Training, Puppy Socialization, Puppy Training
Puppy Socialization: Why you need to socialize your puppy! Private Training Sessions for puppy socialization in Los Angeles A well socialized pup is a happy pup that will delight their fur-parents and families. But when puppy socialization isn’t done right, it...
Jul 5, 2022 | Dog Blog, Dog Training, Nervous Dog Training, Private Dog Training, Puppy Training, Rescue Dog Training, Rescue Dogs, Shy Dog Training
Behavioral Training for Dog’s in Los Angeles Canine Path’s Behavioral training for dogs in Los Angeles can help with dogs that are shy or fearful of people, dogs or noises. Shy, nervous and fearful dogs can come in every size, shape or breed –...
Jun 20, 2022 | Dog Training, Private Dog Training, Puppy Training, Separation Anxiety Training
Separation Anxiety Training for Dogs: Los Angeles #1 dog training services Most dogs suffer from separation anxiety and we are here to help with our separation anxiety training. Dogs are truly man’s best friend and are loving companions, but this also means that...
Jun 6, 2022 | Dog Training, Private Dog Training, Puppy Training
Private Puppy Training Sessions in Long Beach: 1 on 1 puppy Training in Long Beach & The Surrounding Areas Puppies are adorable creatures, we love them too! Thats why we offer private puppy training sessions in Long Beach. Everyone loves puppies, cute little balls...
May 16, 2022 | Dog Training, Rescue Dog Training, Rescue Dogs
Our Rescue Dog Success Story: Saving Dog’s is Life Changing Canine Path is delighted to announce the successful adoption of Saint, a beautiful rescue dog who was rescued by the League of Extraordinary Mutts back in February, spared from the SEAACA euth list...
May 5, 2022 | Dog Blog, Dog Training
Positive Reinforcement: An Effective method to help train your dog An effective method for training dogs, positive reinforcement uses rewards and incentives to encourage behaviors in dogs. At Canine Path, we utilize positive reinforcement in our system and have had...
Apr 19, 2022 | Dog Training, Older Dog Training, Private Dog Training, Rescue Dog Training, Senior Dog Training
The Best Senior Dog Training Services in Los Angeles Despite the saying that you can’t teach old dogs new tricks, it turns out that you actually can. Senior dogs can be taught and trained, just like younger pups. In certain ways, old dogs are easier to train...
Apr 5, 2022 | Blind Dog Training, Deaf Dog Training, Dog Blog, Dog Training, Private Dog Training
Deaf and Blind Dog Training Services in South Bay Canine Path provide detailed and planned deaf and blind dog training services to help your dog learn how to live and act being deaf or blind. Did you know that even deaf and blind dogs can be trained? Even though your...