How to Housetrain Your Puppy
Hi everyone! I wanted to talk about a very important topic today. My owner gets mad at me a lot for this, but I can’t help it, and I want to give you my side of the story about peeing in the house. My owner has tried a lot of different approaches to try and get me to...
How to Deal with an Excited Dog
Ways to Deal with an Excited dog: Dog Training Tips Having an overly excited dog can be a bad thing for your home, we are here to help provide you with tips and a guide so you know how to keep your excited dog entertained while you are not at home. You know, I keep...
Rescue Dog Training
I had a family a while ago, but they weren’t very nice to me. They yelled at me a lot; they would hit me with rolled up newspaper; they didn’t feed me enough, or give me enough water. I didn’t get to sleep comfortably. At least I had a home, even if I had to fend for...
Puppy Training Tips
My owners are so confusing. I want be a good pet and make the family happy, but they aren’t making it very easy for me! One lets me sit and sleep on the couch, the other yells at me while I’m trying to take a nap. There are all these soft toys around the house that...